Hello Kindred Spirit,

I hope you are doing well! Here are some things I wanted to share with you this time:

1. As highly sensitive people, we are similar, yet different. If you feel that the sensitive communities you've found don't always reflect you, you might find one of these resources helpful.  

2. "To think independently of other human beings is impossible, and if it were possible, it would be undesirable."    

3 I have been reading why Ethicists say: If You're Offered a Vaccine, Take It!, Take a Curated Journey to Five Cities with Five Artists, and Ready, Aim, Oh Well: Why You need to Embrace Imperfection! 

4. In honor of Black History Month here in the U.S., The Real Rosa Parks Story is Better Than the Fairytale. It was so insightful to read about her life & how she wasn't meek but lived a "rebellious life" in the very best sense of that word.   

5. I am back at East West Bookshop on February 18 for this ONLINE talk If you feel like you take on other people's energies but no amount of "shielding" works, you might enjoy this experiential talk. More details here.   

6.  I watched the documentary Berkeley in the Sixties through my library, which talks about, amongst many other things, the Free Speech Movement. This Vox video about India's Huge Farmers Protests, Explained does a good job of explaining another protest that many are calling the largest in the world. (Those farmers in turbans belong to the Sikh religion.)

7.  I love animal tarot cards. For me, tarot is not something that predicts the future. Its images spark my own intuition. I discovered the lovely Dr. Steven Farmer & the beautiful Scott Alexander King's Animal Dreaming work recently. 

8. I LOVE this New Fable for Sensitives courtesy of fellow kindred spirit Ane Axford. It's a touching, animated video on reframing sensitivity.

9. I know a lot of our old trauma is getting retriggered by uncertainty. There might be other things, such as a fear of doctor's visits, that you may not have connected to as being aftershocks of trauma.

10. If you are struggling with a narcissistic person, I highly recommend Permission to Exist's YouTube channel.(Of course, always use your own discretion to see if the advice fits.)

That's all from me this time. I hope you take good care of your sensitive self as things continue to change around us. 

With love,


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